How to Set Up Typescript with Express

How to Set Up Typescript with Express

TypeScript has become increasingly popular among developers for its ability to add static typing and other modern features to JavaScript projects. When combined with frameworks like Express.js, TypeScript offers enhanced productivity, code maintainability, and scalability. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how to set up TypeScript with Express, covering everything from project initialization to configuring TypeScript and integrating it with an Express application.

Setting Up a TypeScript Project

1. Setting Up a TypeScript Project

The first step in setting up TypeScript with Express is to initialize a new TypeScript project. Start by creating a new directory for your project and navigating into it using the terminal. Then, run the following command to initialize a new npm project:


npm init -y


Next, install TypeScript as a development dependency using the following command:


npm install typescript –save-dev


Once TypeScript is installed, create a new file named `tsconfig.json` in the root directory of your project. This file contains configuration options for the TypeScript compiler and tells it how to compile your TypeScript code. Here’s a basic `tsconfig.json` file to get you started:



  “compilerOptions”: {

    “target”: “es5”,

    “module”: “commonjs”,

    “outDir”: “./dist”,

    “strict”: true


  “include”: [“src/**/*.ts”]



2. Integrating Express with TypeScript

With the TypeScript compiler set up, the next step is to integrate Express into your project. Start by installing Express and its types using the following commands:


npm install express

npm install @types/express –save-dev


Then, create a new directory named `src` in your project’s root directory. Inside the `src` directory, create a new file named `app.ts` and add the following code to create a basic Express application:


import express from ‘express’;

const app = express();

const PORT = 3000;

app.get(‘/’, (req, res) => {

  res.send(‘Hello, TypeScript with Express!’);


app.listen(PORT, () => {

  console.log(`Server is running on port ${PORT}`);



3. Configuring TypeScript for Express

To compile your TypeScript code into JavaScript, you’ll need to configure the TypeScript compiler to target the Node.js runtime. Open your `tsconfig.json` file and add the following `”lib”` option to specify the Node.js runtime library:



  “compilerOptions”: {

    “target”: “es5”,

    “module”: “commonjs”,

    “outDir”: “./dist”,

    “strict”: true,

    “lib”: [“es6”, “dom”],

    “esModuleInterop”: true


  “include”: [“src/**/*.ts”]



Additionally, you may want to configure TypeScript to watch your files for changes and automatically recompile them when necessary. You can do this by adding a `”scripts”` section to your `package.json` file:



  “scripts”: {

    “start”: “tsc -w”




Now, you can start your Express application in watch mode by running the following command:


npm start


4. Writing TypeScript Code for Express

With Express and TypeScript set up, you can now write your application logic using TypeScript. Create new `.ts` files in the `src` directory and import them into your `app.ts` file as needed. TypeScript provides type checking and IntelliSense support, making it easier to write error-free code and catch bugs early in the development process.


In conclusion, setting up TypeScript with Express offers numerous benefits, including enhanced productivity, code maintainability, and scalability. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can quickly get started with TypeScript and Express and begin building powerful and efficient web applications. With TypeScript’s static typing and Express’s robust framework, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle even the most complex projects with confidence.