How to Do Competitor Keyword Analysis in 5 Steps


A keyword analysis is the first step in any good SEO (search engine optimization) campaign. By understanding which keywords your competitors are targeting and how they’re ranking for those keywords, you can develop a strategy to improve your rankings and get ahead of the competition.

What is Competitor Keyword Analysis?

A competitor keyword analysis is a process of identifying the keywords that your competitors are targeting and assessing their ranking for those keywords. This information can be used to develop a strategy to improve your rankings and get ahead of the competition.

There are a few different ways to go about conducting competitor keyword analysis. One popular method is to use a tool like Google AdWords Keyword Planner or These tools allow you to enter a competitor’s URL and see which keywords they’re bidding on or ranking organically.

SEO Analysis


Another way to do competitor keyword analysis is manual, by looking at your competitor’s website and blog content, as well as their pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns. This approach requires a bit more time and effort, but it can be very effective if done correctly.

Here are the five steps to conducting competitor keyword analysis:

1. Identify your competitors. The first step is to identify who your competition is. This may be fairly easy to do if you’re in a small niche. But if you’re in a large or crowded market, it may take some time and effort to identify all of your competitors. A good start is by looking at who’s ranking for the keywords you’re targeting.

2. Assess their keyword strategy. Once you’ve identified your competitors, it’s time to assess their keyword strategy. There are a few different things you’ll want to look at, including: – Which keywords they’re targeting – How they’re using those keywords (in titles, Meta descriptions, etc.) – How well they’re ranking for those keywords? – What kind of traffic they’re getting from those keywords?

3. Identify gaps in their strategy. After looking at your competitor’s keyword strategy, it’s time to identify any existing gaps. This can be done by looking at: – Keywords they’re not targeting that you are – Keywords they are targeting but not ranking well for.


4. Develop your strategy. Once you’ve identified gaps in your competitor’s keyword strategy, it’s time to develop your own! This involves deciding which keywords you want to target and how best to use them on your website (in titles, Meta descriptions, blog posts, etc.). It also includes ensuring you have the proper infrastructure in place (like title tags and backlinks) so you can rank well for those keywords.

5. Test and measure results. Be sure to track your progress over time to see how well your new keyword strategy is working! This can be done using tools like Google Analytics or Semrush. How to do Competitor Keyword Analysis?

What are some things to look for in Competitor Keyword Analysis?

There are a few different things you’ll want to look at when conducting competitor keyword analysis, including:

– Which keywords they’re targeting

– How do they use those keywords (in titles, Meta descriptions, etc.)

– How well they’re ranking for those keywords

– What kind of traffic they’re getting from those keywords

How to do competitor keyword analysis in 5 steps:

 1. Identify your top competitors

To do a competitor keyword analysis, you first need to identify your top competitors. This can be done by searching for your main keywords on Google and looking at the websites that come up most frequently. Once you have a list of about 5-10 competitors, you can move on to step 2.

Competitor Analysis

 2. Find out where they rank for your main keywords

The next step is to determine where your competitors rank for your main keywords. You can do this by searching for each keyword on Google and taking note of which websites come up most frequently. Once you have a list of competitor rankings, you can move on to step 3.

 3. Analyse their backlinks

Analyzing your competitor’s backlinks is one of the best ways to uncover new opportunities for getting your website ranked higher on search engine results pages. By looking at where your competitors are getting their links, you can identify potential link partners and get an idea of what link-building strategies they are using. You can use a tool like Moz’s Open Site Explorer or Majestic’s Site Explorer.

4. Analyze their website content

Another way to get insights into your competitor’s SEO strategy is to analyze their website content. Please look at the types of blog posts they are writing, the keywords they are targeting, and the topics they are covering. This can give your ideas for new content topics to target on your website. Additionally, suppose you see that your competitor’s website is not regularly updated with fresh content. In that case, this could be an opportunity to get ahead by publishing more timely and relevant content on your site.

Social Media

5. Monitor their social media activity

In addition to analyzing your competitor’s website, it can also be helpful to monitor their social media activity. This can give you insights into what content resonates with their audience and what topics drive the most engagement. Additionally, monitoring your competitor’s social media channels can help you stay up-to-date on any new product announcements or changes in their business that could impact your SEO strategy.

6. Revaluate your results

There are tools online that can make you more productive. Let’s take a Pareto chart; for example, the Pareto chart allows you to create a test, see it through to completion, review the results and take action based on what you’ve learned. In order to create an effective campaign, you can always use tools like this to help you avoid mistakes and avoid the extra cost of failure. You can read this helpful article about boosting efficiency with a Pareto chart to learn more about it.


In conclusion, Competitor Keyword Analysis is a great way to determine which keywords you should target. A competitor keyword analysis is a process of research and discovery that allows you to identify the keywords your competitors are targeting, how they’re using those keywords, and how well they rank for them. This process can be conducted in several ways, but some of the most effective include analyzing competitor websites, backlinks, and social media activity. Competitor keyword analysis can help you uncover new opportunities for ranking your website higher in search engine results pages and give you insights into what content is resonating with your audience.