How to build virtual sales rooms with interactive features

Virtual sales rooms are getting increasingly popular, thanks to the direct communication between buyers and sellers, the ability for sellers to attract more clients, and the possibility for sellers to have thorough analytics on which products they sell the most and which should be dropped.

In this article, we will introduce you to a platform designed for creating virtual sales rooms with interactive features that will astonish you. We’ll be talking about Heybase!


Heybase is a platform that allows anyone to create and share sales rooms in minutes and sell items virtually by following specified steps using a couple of built-in interactive tools that help you create and seal deals faster and more efficiently.

How does it work?

Sales Room workspace

After you create an account and log in to your dashboard, you can begin the process of creating your unique sales room right away. Everything is based on a straightforward drag-and-drop AI builder that allows you to completely customize the interface of your sales room.

Heybase is fully integrated with more than a hundred third-party apps. This means you can add intro videos, various welcome notes, proposals, sales decks, contracts, calendar widgets, payment links, and many more features to your unique sales room.

The ‘Embed blocks’ feature lets you add your existing sales and content to the new sales room which helps your clients have the full insight into a product – from a single page! You can add features from Google Sheets, Slides, Forms, Google Drive, and other integrated apps. Once you have developed a template, you may save it for future usage, saving you the time you would spend developing it from scratch each time.

Create sections, add your client’s company name and logo, and begin adding products with the drag-and-drop method. Simply add a heading with the name of your product to the workspace, followed by a paragraph that briefly describes it. You can also include tables, lists, photos, checklists, and other attachments to make your product look neat and orderly while also informing buyers. In addition, your product display can include YouTube and Loom videos, links clients can click to learn more, etc.

Now comes the important part! After you finish preparing the sales room, you can share it with your clients in seconds. Enter your client’s full name and email, and that’s it. The clients will be able to inspect the product straight from their inbox without the need to log in. They will just receive the automatic mail with the magic link which leads them to your sales room. It’s that simple!

Heybase features a fantastic ‘Conversations’ feature that allows you to reach out to your clients directly without having to waste time sending emails. Using this chat feature, you can easily engage with clients, negotiate and keep them updated about the sale.

This platform is highly customizable that let you enter your company name, logo, and primary colors in the ‘Settings’ section. It is also a collaborative tool that allows you to cooperate and interact with your team by inviting as many individuals as you like. To add individuals to your sales rooms, simply go to the ‘Add users’ section and invite them by sharing the link or invite them straight through their email inbox.

An additional superb feature Heybase offers is creating videos you can embed in the sales room using a built-in ‘Narration’ feature! In this approach, you captivate the client’s attention and establish a personal relationship with them.

Lastly – ‘Analytics’. Track your sales and deals in real-time, handle all active negotiations, analyze every parameter, and respond quickly for better outcomes! View and track all sales rooms in one location, and determine which deals are doing well and which will flop. Track the involvement of sales rooms, assess and compare their performance, and analyze your buyers’ behavior, decisions, preferences, and more.


  • Essential: $19 a month
  • Growth: $49 a month
  • Enterprise: The price plan is tailor-made


Overall, Heybase provides every tool you’d need to create effective virtual sales rooms, and we recommend digging more into this platform and giving it a shot.