Category Archives: Development

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Transforming Your Business with Custom IoT Development Solutions

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a rapidly growing industry that has the potential to revolutionize the way we live and work. IoT development services are a critical component of this industry, as they help businesses create custom IoT solutions that can transform their operations and improve efficiency. In this article, we’ll explore the importance […]...
DevelopmentOnline Business
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What Is Customer Intelligence & How to Use It Effectively

For everyone who has become a part of the knowledge-based economy, the name customer intelligence stands out amongst all other forms of analytics. Surely, nobody would disagree that customer intelligence is a direct result of all the other forms of analytics. While many of the more well-known and popular forms of analytics exist, most businesses […]...
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Best tools for developers and teams to easily test email flows

When using an email program for reading emails, messages reach the server (hosting) and wait until the user checks his email. At that point, the email program downloads the messages and stores them on the local disk, thus deleting them from the server. In the business world today, it is essential that email flows are […]...