When working with envconsul, passing environmental variables effectively is crucial for managing configurations in dynamic environments. Envconsul provides a seamless way to inject environment variables retrieved from Consul, making it a powerful tool for managing runtime configurations in applications. In this article, we will explore how to pass environmental variables in an envconsul configuration file, […]...
Have you ever been asked a question that a quick Google search could answer? That’s the situation Let Me Google That For You (LMGTFY) was made for. It’s a playful tool that creates a simulated Google search—so instead of answering, you send a link that shows them exactly what they could have Googled themselves. Whether […]...
YouTube is home to everything from 10-second viral clips to massive live streams. But have you ever wondered what the longest video uploaded to the platform is? As it turns out, someone has already pushed YouTube to its edge—and the result is staggering. Let’s break down the most extended video, including its length, who uploaded […]...